Benefits of Rain Lily (Zephyranthes Candida)

Kingdom       : Plantae
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta
Superdivisi    : Spermatophyta
Division         : Magnoliophyta
Class            : Liliopsida
Order            : Liliales
Species        : Zephyranthes candida

This flower begins deployment of Brazil and Chile, so now you can find it in various parts of the world. Brown flower-shaped leaves have a thin, long, and curved. The surface slick and shiny leaves. High plant reaching only about 30 cm away.

The flowers are white, with a shape similar to a funnel which is open. These flowers have yellow pistil, which adds to its beauty. 
The shape of the seeds is flat with black color, while the tubers are formed usually white and contain the slick liquid. 

Chocolate flower wide range of nutrients and vital substances such as garlic acid, lycorine, tannins, resins, tazettin, haemanthidine, nerenine, beuzoic acid, and the Red substance.
The leaves contain saponins, alkaloids, tannins, calcium oxalate, and glucosides. 

The nature of this plant include neutral, and somewhat sweet. One of the pharmacological effects in it is as antipyretic.

There are some diseases that are curable using bias rain lily (Zephyranthes candida), including the following:

 Relieve insomnia 

When bedtime has arrived but you haven't been able to close my eyes, troubleshooting personal is being struck. There are also natural ways to cope with the hard bed, one of them with the Brown flower. Take 10 grams of leaves, wash with clean water flowing. Heat 500 ml of water on the stove, insert the ingredients into it. Leave it in boiling water for 5 minutes, lift. Drink in the morning also.

As a headache remedy

If you suffer from dizziness caused by a medical condition, try consuming a traditional herb. How to make it, boil 15 grams rain lily along with 450 ml of water. Wait for the water to boil over ¼ hours, allow to cool. Drink immediately, to relieve a headache.

As drug services

To prevent epilepsy so as not to relapse again, you can use natural ingredients. How, heat two cups of water using low heat, stir in 10 grams of brown sugar and a bit of graining of stones. Simmer for a few moments, lift. Give this drink to epileptics per day.

Improve liver function in people with hepatitis a 

Rain lily early stage turns out to be also effective in addressing impaired liver function. How to use them is not difficult. With enough drinking water decoction of the plant is 10 grams. Do regularly until symptoms diminish and disappear.

Launch the menstrual cycle 

To overcome late menstruation, skin mashed Brown flower plants. Mix it with hot water, drink like a tea drink.

Lower the fever

Little flower proved to be able to reduce high body heat in children. The flowers are then mashed paste on the brow edge.

Addressing the spasm in children 

rain lily can also be used as a medicine beyond children who experience seizures. In addition, it does not matter if rain lily already boiled taken by sufferers.

Any usage must be organized. If the pain persists contact your doctor.

That's some diseases that can be treated using a rain lily (Zephyranthes candida). Next we can develop in accordance with the substance of which was conceived by this interest.

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