Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon plant height ranges between 5 - 15 m, tree bark gray old smelling, light brown colored wood.
A single leaf, stiffening of the skin, the length of the stalk leaves 0.5 - 1.5 cm, with 3 pieces of bones that grow. The elliptical leaves are elongated shape, length 4-14 cm, width 1.5 - 6 cm, tapered tip, flat edge, upper surface slick colour is green. Young leaves are pale red.

The flowers are androgynous or perfect flowers with yellow color.
The fruit is spherical-shaped elongated. Young green fruit color and old deep purple fruit. The length of the fruit around 1.3 - 1.6 cm, diameter and 0.35 - 0.75 cm. The length of the seed 0.84 - 1.32 cm diameter and 0.59 - 68 cm.

Almost all parts of the plant can be utilized as stems, bark, leaves and roots. The skin and results of petrol are widely used in the food industry, beverages, seasonings, pharmaceutical, perfume, cosmetics, industrial and smoking mosquito repellent. The use of cinnamon bark can be in the form of powders, essential oils, or oleoresin.

Cinnamon Bark has a spicy and sweet, smelling the fragrance, as well as warm in nature. Some of the chemicals contained in cinnamon essential oil eugenol, sinamaldehide, tannins, calcium oxalate, resin and Tanner

Essential oil of cinnamon has the power to kill against microorganisms, tempt or strengthens the stomach. Besides the oil can be used in industry as a mouthwash and odor fresheners paste, soaps, detergents, lotions and cream perfume. In the food and beverage processing cinnamon oil used as a deodorizer or Enhancer to flavors, including liquor, soft drinks, so that - in order, cakes, sweets.

On Bark of cinnamon is used as drugs, Antidiarrhoeal cramp, and to reduce the secretion on the intestine. Pharmacological effects of cinnamon owned between deciduous deciduous as fart, sweat, appetite enhancer and pain killers. 

The benefits of cinnamon:

  • A versatile Drug
Cinnamon can be used as a natural food preservative, it also contains fiber, calcium, iron, and manganese are proven to effectively reduce pain when menstruation or childbirth. Cinnamon contains natural called cinnamaldehyde can increase hormone balances hormones, progesterone, and reduced testosterone in women.
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
Cinnamon contains antioxidants that help control blood sugar levels. Cinnamon helps the process of digestion after a meal and help improve insulin response in type-2 diabetic patients. One gram of cinnamon is known can lower blood sugar levels, triglycerides, bad cholesterol, and total cholesterol in diabetes patients. Cinnamon also lowers the risk of heart disease in diabetic patients.
  • Anti-infective
Cinnamon has a natural component of anti-infective. In various studies, cinnamon is proven to effectively remove bacteria h. Pylori can cause stomach ulcers, and a variety of other diseases caused by bacteria.
  • Improve brain function
Smell the cinnamon note can boost brain activity the smell of cinnamon can improve a person's cognitive processes and help in terms of concentrating, remembering, and speed work on a computer program.
  • Lower cholesterol
Cinnamon contains calcium, fiber, and many minerals such as manganese. To that end, cinnamon is very suitable for digestive health, intestines, as well as protect from heart disease. Cinnamon can also lower cholesterol. Calcium and fiber on cinnamon also help eliminate the salt in the body and prevent bowel cancer. Not only that, the fibers at cinnamon can also treat constipation or diarrhea.
  • Prevents the growth of cancer cells
Cinnamon can reduce the proliferation of cancer cells. Not only that, cinnamon is also one of the herbs that can cure cancer.
  • Warms
Cinnamon is typically used in traditional Chinese medicine on people affected by fever or influenza. This is because cinnamon contains substances that make the body warmer and comfortable.
  • Prevents blood clotting
Cinnamaldehyde, oil produced by the cinnamon can prevent the blood to clot. Cinnamon secrete anti-inflammatory fatty acid called arachidonic. These fatty acids then reduce inflammation and blood clotting.

  • Relieve pain in sufferers of rheumatism
Cinnamon can relieve pain caused by rheumatism. Cinnamon can also reduce cytokines (small protein-protein as a mediator and a regulator of hematopoesis, inflammatory and immunity) which can cause arthritis.

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1 komentar:

September 22, 2021 at 5:59 PM delete

Thank you for sharing very informative information on Benefits of cinnamon and keep share more blogs.
