Benefits Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica)

Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) is believed to have originated from the region of Central and South America and is found in Brazil and ordinary as a decoration by the population. Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) in bloom all year round in many habitats. Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) can depression with seeds, but the duplication of the public done by cuttings of the stem. Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) belongs to the plant growing fast so most often be done pruning to maintain its appearance.


When the aging Golden Rod-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) will process the formation of Brown wood, while his young shoots will continually grow in each branch with green.
Leaves Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) has the shape of the leaves taper at the ends, where the character of the surface is rough and has a length of leaves between 6-16 cm.
In addition, at each of its trunk roads leaves Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) generally has three to four strands.

Flowers are Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) generally have yellow or violet trumpet-like shape with a diameter of 5-7.5 cm. Additionally, it turns Golden-trumpet flowers, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) has a fragrant aroma and unique.

Direct to benefits:

Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) has many benefits. Part of the plant used is the roots, leaves and flowers for the treatment. Leaves Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) have bases that have compounds of nitrogen and are found in plants. The skin of the stem and the fruit contains saponins. The stem bark contains tannins. The fruit contains a chemical compound used as active liver disease drug and chemical substances that have antioxidant properties.

Other benefits i.e. sap Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) who are white have anti bacterial properties and also antibiotics so it can serve as a preventive medicine and cancer disease germs or bacteria. Flowers are Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) it can also be used to prevent complications from malaria and swelling of the spleen, and may be used for the treatment of jaundice.

Leaves Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) is used for the antidote to the poison and used as an herbal concoction for diseases or abscesses, boils, eczema and ringworm. The taste leaves Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) is a bitter, pungent, laxative and nutritious cause vomiting.

The Golden section-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) the most efficacious and may be used by the public is the fruit of Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica).

Some of the benefits Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) to humans:

Neutralizes free radicals 

Free radicals are indeed being vigorous incessantly currently haunts society. How not, the effect could cause someone affected by cancer. Then to neutralize free radicals in the air, can use the fruits of the Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica). Inside is the content of polyphenols, which functions as an antioxidant.

Active kill bacteria 

Part of the SAP from Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) can also be used to kill bacteria. Because there are substances that are antibacterial. This will minimize to expose bacteria that trigger the disease.

Cure liver disease Liver Disease

Can you heal with fruit Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica). This is caused because it included deposits of flavonoida active compounds. Jaundice sufferers can be healed using Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica). Take advantage of the root part of the Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) who drank to cure this disease.

Treating skin disease

Leaves Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) is quite useful also as a remedy for skin diseases. For example, is the boils, abscesses, as well as Mange. This caused the presence of antibacterial substances capable of killing germs and bad bacteria that make the skin disease.
Constipation remedies - Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) is also a powerful tackle and digestive disorders. One of them is constipated.

Reduce swelling 

Golden-trumpet, common Allamanda (Allamanda Cathartica) is also in use as an antidote to reduce swelling in the spleen. Antibiotics also plays a role here. Because when the swelling becomes great, either sick or not sick with fear there is a malignant tumor tissue that leads to cancer. This triggered the occurrence of cancer of the lymph nodes.

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