Manilkara kauki (Sawo kecik) a good fruit to traditional healing

Habitat and Distribution

Manilkara kauki is estimated to originate from India and spread as well as many cultivated in Tropical Asia and Tropical America. In Indonesia, Manilkara kauki though had already begun a rare, rare due to begin cultivating but can still be found throughout Indonesia except for Borneo.

The traits.

The tree Manilkara kauki medium size with a height reaching 25 m Diameter (Manilkara kauki trunk line was able to able to reach 100 cm.

Manilkara kauki leaves cluster at the end of the rod. On the undersurface of leaves Manilkara kauki colored vaginal discharge and smooth with a sprig of leaves does not thicken, long leaf petals 7 mm.. Manilkara kauki flower buds ovoid-shaped.

Manilkara kauki fruit-shaped ovoid or spherical eggs are small with long range 3.7 cm. Fruit Manilkara kauki have skin very thin wrappers. Manilkara kauki fruit sweetness and sometimes feels a little bit osphronemidae.

Manilkara kauki has been known as a good fruit to traditional healing compared to be consumed per day. Of course, this does not escape from the womb has many benefits and benefits for health. The content of the fruit, namely such as proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, iron, fiber, and other content. Of course with so many of these nutrients have many benefits and certain benefits.

Manilkara kauki benefits for health
Help the formation of red blood cells

Manilkara kauki has named iron content that is useful to help the body in producing red blood cells. Red blood deficiency can cause anemia disease that makes the body easily limp and dizziness. Consuming foods with iron content is also recommended for pregnant women in order to avoid anemia.

Cope sore mouth

How to use the Manilkara kauki to address inflammation of the mouth can be used to chopping Manilkara kauki then boiled for 10 minutes with 2 glasses of water. Use of water decoction of Manilkara kauki to gargle.

As a remedy for diarrhea

Manilkara kauki how to use as a remedy for diarrhea is to use 3 drops of SAP Manilkara kauki young.  mix with half a glass of hot water. You can drink it after the water is warm or cold. In addition, you can also use the Manilkara kauki diarrhea as a remedy by way of Manilkara kauki wash to clean and then grated and squeeze. Manilkara kauki juice, water you can combine with boiled water and then drink 2 times a day.

Great for eye health

Sapodilla fruit contains a lot of vitamin A which is good for eye health. 
Manilkara kauki renders as a favorite fruit is the right choice to keep your eyes stay healthy and avoid distractions.
Prevent colon cancer
Manilkara kauki fruits contain fiber, which is quite high. Fiber is a great nutrient for waging the digestion. Fiber in Manilkara kauki also helps overcome constipation while preventing the occurrence of bowel cancer.

Resolve thrush

Manilkara kauki fruits contain a lot of vitamins that are helpful in coping with disease-causing free radicals which one thrush. To prevent the arrival of canker sores, it's good you maintain your oral health with good which one is by way of regular brushing my teeth 2 to 3 times a day. In addition, multiply the consumption of vitamin C so that the immune system increases.

Prevent the occurrence of premature aging

Vitamin E contained in Manilkara kauki is also good to avoid premature aging or the occurrence of wrinkles on the skin especially on the face.

To treat dysentery

To treat dysentery, you can take the Manilkara kauki young, then puree and mix using salt to taste. Drink twice a day. Do to reduce your pain.

Keep the beauty of the skin

Manilkara kauki contains vitamin E which is good for skin health. Many are consuming food containing vitamin E makes our skin moist and looks cleaner.

Remedy for bleeding

Manilkara kauki have potassium content that is able to stop the bleeding On the injured parts of the body.

Improve immune pregnant women

Vitamin C in fruit Manilkara kauki can boost the immune system of pregnant women is not easy so sick. In addition, Manilkara kauki fruit is also good to overcome digestive disorders as well as constipation that many experienced by pregnant women. Consumption to taste so that nutrients and vitamins can perfectly absorb by the body.


Kingdom: Plantae
Sub kingdom: Tracheobionta
Super Division: Spermatophyta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Plant Taxonomy
Subclass: Dilleniidae
Order: Ebenales
Family: Sapotaceae
Genus: Manilkara
Manilkara kauki: species (l.) Dubard

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