Benefits Of Greater Galangal For Health

Kingdom: Plantae
Sub kingdom: Tracheobionta
Super divisi: Spermatophyta
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Subclass: Commelinidae
Order: Zingiberales
Family: Zingiberaceae
Genus: Alpinia
Species: Alpinia galanga.


Languas galanga

The Common Name

United Kingdom: greater galangal, languas galangal, java-, laos root
Indonesia: galangal, laos, laja
Viet Nam: rieng am, rieng nep
Thailand: kha
China: hong dou kou traits greater galangal

Greater galangal stem is erect, composed by stem-stem leaves are United to form a pseudo trunk, little green and white. Young Rod out as shoots from the base of the stem of old.

Greater galangal single leaves are green, short-stemmed composed. The leaves on the bottom and top are usually smaller than the one in the middle. Greater galangal leaf elongated and tapered ends, the base of the blunt edges of the leaf. Long leaves around 20-60 cm, and width 4-15 cm. Stem leaves are approximately 15-30 cm long, grooved and green.

Greater galangal is interest compound interest bell-shaped, fragrant, greenish-white or yellowish white. Greater galangal flower size approximately 10-30 cm long x 5-7 cm. The number of bunches of flowers at the bottom more than at the top, the length of the lip of the flowers of 2.5 cm, white with pink colors slashes on each side. Crown of flowers buds at the ends are white, while the base is green.

Greater galangal spherical fruit, hard. When young are green-yellow, after quarter turns into brownish-black, with a diameter of approximately 1 cm. There is also a red-colored fruits.

Greater galangal seeds are small, oval-shaped, and is black.

Greater galangal Rhizome is big and thick, fleshy, cylindrical bore, diameter about 2-4 cm, and in branches. The outside is brown a bit reddish or pale greenish yellow, have the scales are white or reddish, shiny hardware, while the inside is white. Greater galangal Rhizome meat an old rough fibrous. When dried, the rhizome turns into a somewhat greenish, and the fibers into a hard and tough.

There are 2 kinds of plants greater galangal:

1. White bulbs
2. Red bulbs.

Greater galangal is this white bulbs used flavoring dishes, are red bulbs galangal is used as medicine.

Greater galangal has a lot of nutrition, the most dominant is the fiber so that was good enough to use as a substitute Alternatively of dietary fiber. Greater galangal is also rich in iron, sodium, vitamins A, C, flavonoids, phytonutrients, emodin, beta-sitosterol, quercetin, galangol, alpine, camphor, galangun, methycinnamate, zinc, phosphorus, essential.

The Benefits For The Health:

  • Greater galangal as antioxidants
Some studies have shown that greater galangal or galangal has anti-inflammatory benefits as in some circumstances. Compounds contained in greater galangal Rhizome, can inhibit nitric oxide production process aligns the macrophage cells lipopolysaccharide-activated. Greater galangal Rhizome extracts contain diarylheptanoids and galangin capable of inhibiting nitric oxide as well as enable the production of lipopolysaccharide.

  • The risk of cancer
Extract greater galangal is able to show the anti-cancer properties. The content of flavonoid-galangin has proven to have the anti-oxidative properties so that it can help ward off free radicals, i.e. with the enzyme modulates as well as pressing genotoxity of chemicals in the body.

  • Beneficial for patients with hyperlipidemia
Greater galangal Rhizome extract was able to become a pancreatic lipase inhibitor which is capable of significantly lower levels of triglycerides and can lower cholesterol levels sufferers hyperlipidemia.

  • Overcome digestive disorders
Content of anti-inflammatory and expectorant in extract greater galangal can help overcome a range of long-term illnesses such as dyspepsia, abdominal pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and fever.

In traditional medicine the rhizome extract greater galangal is used for the treatment of abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea.

  • Respiratory disorders
Greater galangal essential oils contain volatile d'Amali. In some countries, where it is used to assist in the treatment of respiratory complaints in children, such as the inflammation that occurs in the mucous membranes (the bronchi).
anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

Extract galangal is very effective in suppressing the growth of the fungus candida albicans organism.

Greater galangal Rhizome extracts contain analgesics (pain relievers) and antipyretic (fever reducing). This will can help reduce bacterial and fungal infections.

  • Mouthwash
Extract from greater galangal, benefits to health can be used as a mouthwash. This will help overcome the disorders of thrush, gingivitis, as well as other inflammation that occurs in the mouth and throat. In addition, ektrak greater galangal can be help overcome bad breath (halitosis).

  • Prevent premature aging

Greater galangal is a plant that can help eliminate the effects of toxins from the body, and improves blood circulation. This will be able to help release the extra nutrients to the skin tissue. Antioxidants are present in galangal can prevent free radicals that damage the skin, so keep the cleaner skin.

  • Treating wounds
Greater galangal Rhizome extract may also help in the healing process of wounds, such as burns to the skin. The trick is to apply the herb to the skin that hurt.

  • Beneficial to Hair Beauty
Extract greater galangal has also been used as an Ayurvedic medicine in the treatment of the hair and scalp, namely for the treatment of diseases related to the hair and scalp.

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