Did you know that Guava is very beneficial to health?

Guava including tropical fruits. The fruit is able to bear fruit throughout the season. Guava can even be grown in pots or yards. Guava tastes between sweet and sour. Not only offers the delicacy, this fruit also contains many nutrients that are beneficial to health


The fruit has red flesh such as guava, watermelon, strawberry, red fruit contain a substance known as fitonutrein where the benefits are very good for the health of the eyes and also keep the prostate organ.


In red guava contain antioxidants that are quite high which is very good for the health of the body. It turns out that not only inside the fruit alone, but also in the leaves, so you can also make a tea made from the leaves of guava red dry. Antioxidants are very important for the health of the body being able to counteract substance carcinogenic or the more famous with the term free radicals. If free radicals enter into the body easily then it can cause damage to cells which are able to trigger the growth of various types of diseases such as cancer, a disease in the blood vessels and other dangerous diseases. Therefore, you need not hesitate to eat guava red.

 Vitamin A

Know that you are better advised to consume fruit that have bright colors and seductive? This is not because it looks just as pretty and fresh, but also such fraud has nutritional and nutrition is more than pale fruit. Bright and fresh fruit such as mango, guava, watermelon, red tomatoes and others contain a very high carotenoid. Carotenoid is where vitamin A vitamin A is also very good for health. Vitamin A was already known to be very good for eye health, but also very good for preventing heart disease, makes skin stay healthy, boost the immune system, maintaining and caring for the body's cells.

 Vitamin C

According to the research on vitamin C in fruit, guava red 4 times more than in the citrus fruits. This course is very good for you because the benefits of vitamin C are very important for the body. The benefits of vitamin C are, among others, is to preserve the health of the teeth, gums and mouth, maintaining healthy blood vessels, improves brain function, helps heal scars and help the body while absorbing iron. In addition, vitamin C is also used to help increase collagen where cells are formed.

Guava is a source of vitamin C which is very good, with the number reaching 228 mg per 100 g or three times more than the daily requirement. This vitamin is mainly located in the outer fruit's flesh under his skin.
Guava is also rich in fiber and vitamin B complex folic acid, pantotenik acid, Pyridoxine, and niacin. There's also the riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin A, E, and K, although the amount is not as much vitamin c.
Not only that, the guava is equipped with various electrolytes and minerals. A fairly notable is followed by potassium, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and selenium.
As for the phytochemicals they contain carotenoids and polyphenols are galokatokin, leukosianidin, and a higher number lycopene in guava redder than white.

Below are some of the benefits of guava :

1. Health

 Prevent Cancer

Benefits of guava fruit are red to prevent cancer. This is because red guava fruit contains calories and fat low. In addition, of his content is also quite high in guava fruit red. The content of antioxidants in red guava fruit is also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells significantly if you consume it regularly.

 Launch the digestion

In addition to the other content of antioxidants present in fruit, guava red, but in it also contains soluble fiber as much 5.4 g in each fruit. This fiber is then able to launch the digestion and to avoid dirt buildup in your colon. In addition the fibers also functions in protecting the intestinal membrane from the bonds of a dangerous chemical substances from food and drink that goes into the body. Chemical substances that are assumed to be the cause of cancer.

 Keep the nerve and brain function

By regularly eating guava fruit, red that means you also are trying to keep your brain and nerve function. This is because guava red contains vitamin B3 and vitamin b6 which is able to stimulate brain performance. Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine is also serves as a mediator in the bloodstream and can provide nutritional intake and nutrients needed by the brain and nerves.

 Ward off free radicals

As already mentioned before that the content of vitamin C in fruit, guava red is high and can serve as a natural antioxidant in the body. These antioxidants are able to ward off free radicals very effectively. Free radicals are a growing current of the environment is extremely worrying for example from various types of pollution, such as cigarette smoke, fumes, excessive UV rays and much more.

 Control blood pressure

Electrolyte compounds called potassium inside the red guava fruit is also very good for the body. Potassium is able to help control high blood pressure is a result of the reaction of sodium. So if you fail to have high blood pressure or hypertension, then you are strongly recommended to consume the fruit high in potassium-containing one is red guava fruit. Other fruits containing potassium are bananas with equivalent levels of potassium in the fruit guava red. Disease, hypertension should not be considered trivial, because it is a disease that is slowly killing and not show symptoms significantly.

 Nourish the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is a gland that is essential for the health of the body. If the function of this gland is disturbed then it will also be able to make a body's health became impaired. To help nourish the thyroid gland, you can eat the fruit, guava red since copper minerals contain in it which is very good for the health of the thyroid gland.

 Helps to absorb nutrients

Other compounds in the fruit, guava red are manganese. Manganese has the noble function of IE as a helper in the absorption of nutrients when food is in the gut. Health body will also depend on how the maximum nutrients are absorbed by the body.

 Relaxes the body

If you are currently being tired with everyday life and your busy life at work, try to make guava juice, without sugar red and then lay your your body. Small actions, but could make your mood is formed again. Red guava fruit contains magnesium, which is able to create a relaxing effect on the body. Magnesium is able to loosen the muscles and nerves are strained because of the lack of rest and stress. Coupled with vitamin B6 has its function as relaxing the nerves.

 Good for pregnant women

Again, because of the content of the vitamins and other nutrients that are in the Red to make guava guava, red very good is consumed by the pregnant mother. Vitamins and nutrients that are present in guava fruit, red able to protect the fetus and also maintain the health of pregnant women. You currently are pregnant do not forget add guava fruit, red into your daily menu because it can prevent anemia and nutritional supplement that is good for the health of the mother and the fetus. In addition to the risk of diabetes during pregnancy can also be suppressed by taking this red guava so although pregnant, keep the body healthy and fit.

2. Beauty

 Take care of facial skin

The content of vitamin that is in this red guava is very good for taking care of facial skin. You could take the benefits of using it as a facial mask. How to make it very easy, you just have to sublimate guava, red ripe could be by way of regular or crushed using a blender. After that, mix with egg whites so drank more and so that the dough be sticky so that the mask is easy to stick in the face. After that, apply the mask on your face and let sit for about 20 minutes. The mask will eliminate dead skin cells so that the skin of the face will be more bright and well maintained again. After 20 minutes you could rinse using warm water.

 Protect the skin from UV

Did you know that red guava fruits contain substances which lycopene 2 times more compared with the tomatoes. Lycopene is a fingsinya natural antioxidants protect the skin from UV rays from sunlight during the day so that the skin will be better protected and more healthy. With this red guava eating you will get brighter skin and well maintained.

 Prevents premature aging

Various kinds of vitamins and antioxidants in red guava is very good for health especially skin health. With the content being able to banish the arrival of early signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles and signs of premature aging more. In addition free radicals and toxins that enter into the skin will also disappear with more optimization.

 As a natural skin toner

Still associated with vitamin and vast grounds that is high enough to make guava, red can be used as fresheners skin naturally. The elasticity of the skin will stay up so that it will be spared from a variety of skin problems such as dry skin, stretch marks, wrinkles, fine lines and much more. You can use guava, red as herbal concoctions for your skin. The trick is to make the decoction of guava, red and use it to wash your face and do routinely to get maximum results.

 Addressing the problem of skin

Vitamin C in red guava is able to regenerate collagen, a substance that is in the skin which confirms the skin. Because the collagen healthy and well-maintained, then the various skin problems can be lost by utilizing this red guava fruit. So if you have skin issues such as black spots, acne, wrinkles, fine lines and other, don't hesitate to eat guava fruit red Yes.

 Embellish the hair

Red guava is also good for the health of the hair because it contains various types of vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and Vitamin B complex. Other compounds present in guava, red like manganese, magnesium, potassium, fiber, flavonoid, and others are also very beneficial to the health of the hair. So if you're experiencing issues with hair like hair loss, dandruff, hair branching and others do not have to feel free to eat guava fruit red.

That's some of the benefits of guava. In fact, there are many more benefits of guava, perhaps we will discuss on the other time. Thank you.

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