How To Treat Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is the growth of cells uncontrollably in the prostate gland. The prostate is a small gland in the male pelvis, which is part of the reproductive system. The prostate is located below the bladder in front of the rectum. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, that channel that carries urine from the bladder to the penis.

The prostate produces fluids that help nourish and protect your sperms. During ejaculation, the prostate secretes fluid into the urethra. There are prostate cancers that are aggressive and can spread quickly. But in General, prostate cancer grows slowly and does not spread.

According to the WHO data, prostate cancer is the most common cancer cases second-order in men. Approximately 1.1 million men worldwide, is diagnosed with prostate cancer and there are 307 thousand cases of death in the year 2012.

Prostate cancer is the leading cause of death due to cancer No. 3 in men. Age is also a factor, where the 40-year-old man has a level of risk between 200,000 whereas the moment they stepped on the age of 50 years, the level of risk of developing cancer of the prostate increased to 12 per 100,000 people, and be 12 of 10,000 men by the time they stepped on the age of 60 years.

In addition to age, here are some factors that can increase the risk of developing cancer of the prostate:

  • Family health history. If there are family men who suffer from prostate cancer or women who had breast cancer, your risk for developing cancer of the prostate will increase.
  • The food. Consuming foods containing high calcium too often can also increase the risk of developing cancer of the prostate.
  • Obesity. Excess weight increases the risk of a man affected by prostate cancer.
  • Change genes. Some changes to inherited genes can increase the risk of developing cancer of the prostate.
  • Some type of food. Men often consume red meat or dairy products are high in fat will have a risk of developing cancer of the prostate is slightly higher than the guy who's just a bit of consuming both types of food.
  • Chemical material Exposure.
  • Prostate Inflammation. Some studies mention that prostate inflammation is associated with increased risk of prostate cancer.
  • Smoking.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia can probably place increases the risk of cancer types

Prostate Cancer Symptoms
Prostate cancer may not cause any symptoms in the early stages. Prostate cancer symptoms prostate occurs when too large or swell and start to affect the urethra.

We see the following symptoms:
  • Difficult urination
  • Pain when urinating
  • Out blood when urinary
  • Hard an erection or hold an erection
  • Blood in the sperm
  • Defecate Hard and there are other digestive tract problems
  • Continuous Pain in the lower back, hips or thighs in the top
  • Frequent urination at night
  • The reduced quantity of urine
  • Swelling in the feet
A Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer
There are a lot of tests and examinations to determine the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The most common test for detecting prostate cancer is:
  • Screening tests for early detection
  • The Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) – this procedure performed by a doctor using a finger that was already wearing gloves to inspect part of the rectum. The doctor will be able to feel the lump or growth of prostate cancer.
  • Tests for Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test – this test is the most common initial tests done to detect prostate cancer. Done in this test is checking the levels of PSA, namely proteins produced by cells of the prostate gland in the blood. The higher simply applied, the greater the possibility of cancer, although other factors can cause a rise in PSA content.
Tests for diagnosing prostate cancer
  • Prostate Biopsies – if there is a suspicion of prostate cancer, a biopsy is performed procedure – which raised promptly sent a sample to the network. When the result turned out to be positive, then it takes a bone scan or scan using a computer is done in the pelvic area to ascertain how far the cancer has spread.
  • Trans-Rectal Ultrasound – this procedure uses sound waves to obtain visualization of the prostate gland. This procedure is most often used in conjunction with the biopsy procedures to guide the needle towards the prostate gland which allegedly contained tumors.
Tests after cancer is diagnosed
  • PSA Levels – when cancer positive PSA rate been undiagnosed, can help ensure its spread. When the PSA level below 20ng/ml, then most likely the cancer has not spread to other organs of the body. The PSA level is more than 40ng/ml is a strong indication that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
  • Tests Metastases – when a biopsy has indicated the presence of cancer, another test should be conducted to find out how far the cancer has spread. A bone scan and x-rays can ascertain whether the cancer has spread to the bone. CT scan or MRI can further be locating cancer appropriately.

How to treat prostate cancer?
In some cases, due to prostate cancer takes a long time to grow, then the treatment has risks of its own. The doctor may choose to monitor the tumor rather than treat it immediately. It is caused by a dependent treatment against several factors such as the stage of cancer, symptoms, age, as well as the general condition of the patient's health.

  • Surgery. When a treatment has been determined, the process may involve the appointment of cancer through surgical procedures, by lifting the prostate gland cancer, when only the local only. Total healing opportunities are extremely high on such cases, but can cause side effects lack of urine or impotence
  • Radiation therapy. Using high-energy x-rays are directed to kill cancer cells.
  • Hormone therapy. This procedure can be used to treat cancer that has spread further than the prostate where the hormone is used to counteract the effects of testosterone and slows the growth of cancer.
  • Chemotherapy. Occasional time in some cases, chemotherapy is used to alleviate or eliminate the effects of prostate cancer symptoms when other treatments assessed procedure less effective.
Drugs that can be used to treat prostate cancer is:
  • Mitoxantron
  • Prednisone
  • Paclitaxel
  • Dosetaxel
  • Estramustin
  • Adriamycin
Side effects vary and are subject to the remedies provided.

The Way Prostate Cancer Prevention

You can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer if you:

  • Choose healthy food that is rich in vegetables and fruit. Avoid fatty foods. Fruit and vegetable has a lot of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. One nutrient that consistently helps prevent prostate cancer is lycopene.
  • Choose healthy foods instead of using supplements. There is no research to suggest that the supplement has reduced the risk of prostate cancer. Foods that are healthy and rich in nutrients is more beneficial in maintaining the body's health.
  • Often exercise. Exercising will improve your health and maintain your weight. There is evidence that explains that men frequently exercise has little affected cases of prostate cancer than those not exercising.
  • Keep your healthy weight. If you have an ideal weight this time, keep your weight, staying healthy with exercise. If you have more weight, reduce the calories in your daily food and exercise more.
  • Talk to your doctor if you think that you have an increased risk of prostate cancer. The study found that the drug finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) can prevent or delay the formation of prostate cancer in men age 55 or over. This medication is usually used to control enlargement of the prostate gland and hair loss in men.
That's about prostate cancer.

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