Benefits of Peanuts for Weight Loss

Peanuts are one of the tropical plants that grow in clumps that have tall 30 – 50 cm. Peanuts are a plant food in the form of shrubs native to South America.

Peanuts can be consumed directly after boiling or processed into food ingredients, such as cakes, jam, sweets, bread, or oil. Peanut oil is also rated relatively healthier than cooking oil in general because it contains not a single saturated fat content is high.

Nutritional value

Peanuts are rich in essential nutrients. In a 100 g serving, peanuts provide 570 calories and are an excellent source (defined as more than 20% of the Daily Value) of several B vitamins, vitamin E, several dietary minerals, such as manganese (95%), magnesium (52%) and phosphorus (48%), and dietary fiber. They also contain about 25 g protein per 100 g serving, a higher proportion than in many tree nuts.

A common cooking and salad oil, peanut oil is 46% monounsaturated fats (primarily oleic acid), 32% polyunsaturated fats (primarily linoleic acid), and 17% saturated fats (primarily palmitic acid). 

Benefits of peanuts

In particular, for those who were undergoing diet, beans can be beneficial to become friends. The study found that people who frequently eat nuts instead helped to lose weight, than not. 

Some benefits of peanut:

a) Lower Cholesterol
No saturated fat content which exists in the peanuts can lower the bad cholesterol in the human body.

b) Good for pregnant women
Folic acid in nuts needs to be consumed for a pregnant woman, much less starred pregnancy. The content, providing a deterrence against an infant born in conditions of disability.

c) Reduce the sense of depression
On the benefits of peanuts also contains essential amino acid content with the content of tryptophan, which can stimulate hydroxytryptamine controlling mood remains good.

d) Source of Energy for the body
Peanuts are also said to be a source of energy so that people who are on a diet will not be noticeable limp although only routinely consume peanuts.

e) Gall stones
Each one ounce of ground nuts or two tablespoons of peanut butter each week can lower the risk of gallstones or gallbladder disease by up to 25%.

f) Colon cancer
In ground nuts contain antioxidants that can eradicate foreign substances in the body, including cancer cells that could endanger the health of the human body. Nuts can reduce the risk of bowel cancer, especially in women. Eat at least 2 scoops of peanut butter twice a week can reduce the risk of colon cancer in women by up to 58% in men and up to 27%.

g) Keep your Weight
Women who ate nuts or peanut butter at least twice a week tend to be more prone to obesity than those who don't. Eating peanut butter every morning with a slice of bread, will provide opportunities for less experienced weight gain.

h) Prevent heart disease
Consumption of peanuts on a regular basis and in the amount recommended, really help maintain heart health. Optimize by not frying peanuts, but serve with boiled or steamed.

Side Effects Of Peanut

Although peanuts contain very many benefits to human health, to certain people thus became a disaster. Due to excessive intake of nuts can cause heartburn, and allergies.

If anyone has allergies peanuts, it could be that person also have allergies to all kinds of nuts. You are advised to avoid all products are peanuts, peanut oil, processed products include equipment used to cultivate peanuts.

In General, people who have peanut allergies will experience a reaction within minutes after touching or eating peanuts or products made from peanuts. 

In the reaction that is not severe, it will usually cause itching and abdominal pain. However, in severe conditions, usually begin with a tingling sensation in the mouth and then followed by swelling of the face, throat and mouth. This can lead to difficulty breathing, asthma attacks, shock even death.



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